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Syrie : le Kremlin et le nouveau pouvoir islamiste échouent à trouver un accord pour maintenir les bases militaires russes

La première visite d’une délégation russe à Damas n’a pas permis à Moscou de sécuriser le maintien de ses deux bases cruciales pour la projection de forces vers le continent africain. Damas exigerait en échange l’extradition du dictateur déchu Bachar Al-Assad.

The main idea of the article is that despite recent cooperation, the Kremlin and the new Islamist government in Syria have failed to reach an agreement regarding the maintenance of Russia's two crucial military bases in the country. This failure comes after the fall of the previous regime under President Assad, with whom Russia had a strong military alliance. The new Syrian government demands the extradition of Assad in exchange for allowing Russia to keep its bases, a condition the Kremlin is likely reluctant to accept.

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